
Title 01. General Provisions
Title 01.02 Code Adoption
Title 01.04 General Provisions
Title 01.08 Ordinances
Title 01.12 Repeals
Title 01.16 Rights of Entry
Title 01.20 Penalties for Ordinance
Title 02. Administration and Personnel
Title 02.04 Town Officials
Title 2.08 Meetings
Title 02.12 Planning and Zoning Board
Title 02.16 Police Department
Title 02.20 Fire Department
Title 02.24 Emergency Management
Title 02.28 Municipal Court
Title 02.32 Ethical Restrictions
Title 02.36 Public Records
Title 02.40 Administrative Review
Title 02.44 Board of Review
Title 02.48 The Marine Law Enforcement Division of the Town of Burlington Police Department
Title 02.52 Police and Fire Commission
Title 02.56 Elections
Title 02.60 Multi-Jurisdictional Comprehensive Plan
Title 02.999 Resolution
Title 03. Revenue and Finance
Title 03.04 Fiscal Procedures and Budgeting
Title 03.12 Property Tax Roll and Tax Receipts
Title 03.16 Cable Television Franchise
Title 03.20 Insufficient Funds
Title 04. Not used
Title 05. Business Licenses and Regulations
Title 05.04 Business Licenses in General
Title 05.08 Intoxicating Beverages
Title 05.12 Nonintoxicating Beverages
Title 05.16 Direct Sellers
Title 05.20 Junk and Motor Vehicle Salvage
Title 05.24 Quarries, Gravel Pits, Mixing Plants, Target Ranges and Similar Businesses
Title 05.28 Miscellaneous Business Regulations
Title 05.32 Cigarettes and Tobacco Products
Title 05.999 Resolution
Title 06. ANIMALS
Title 06.02 Animal Control
Title 06.04 Dogs
Title 06.06 Control of Canadian Geese
Title 06.07 Chickens
Title 06.08 Miscellaneous Animal Regulations
Title 06.999 Resolution
Title 06.999 Resolution
Title 07. Not used
Title 08.01 Health Department
Title 08.04 Abandoned and Junked Vehicles
Title 08.08 Fires and Fireworks
Title 08.12 Garbage Disposal, Dumping and Fill
Title 08.16 Prohibited Discharges
Title 08.20 Recycling
Title 08.24 Nuisances
Title 08.28 Weeds
Title 08.32 Non-Auction Sale of Abandoned Property
Title 08.36 Lawn Fertilizer Application Control
Title 08.40 Racine county Fire Codes

Title 8.42 Non-Emergency Lift Assistance
Title 08.44 Public Smoking
Title 8.48 Sex Offender Residency Restrictions
Title 08.999 Resolution
Title 08.999 Resolution
Title 09. Public Peace, Morals and Welfare
Title 09.04 Statutory Provisions Adopted
Title 09.08 Offense Against Public Officers and Government
Title 09.12 Offenses Against Public Peace and Decency
Title 09.16 Property Offenses
Title 09.20 Offenses By or Against Minors
Title 09.24 Weapons
Title 10. Vehicles and Traffic
Title 10.04 Traffic Laws Adopted
Title 10.08 Administration and Enforcement
Title 10.12 Bicycle
Title 10.16 Snowmobiles and All-Terrain Vehicles
Title 10.20 Miscellaneous Traffic Regulations
Title 10.999 Resolution
Title 10.999 Resolution
Title 11. Beaches and Lakes

Title 11.04 State Laws and Definitions Adopted
Title 11.08 Administration and Enforcement
Title 11.12 Local Boating and Water Safety Regulations
Title 11.16 Swim Areas
Title 11.20 Wharves and Piers
Title 11.30 Placement of Beach Sand
Title 12.04 Construction Standards
Title 12.08 Street Openings
Title 12.12 Obstruction of Ditches, Streets and Sidewalks

Title 12.14 Driveway
Title 12.16 Street Vacation
Title 12.20 Street Numbering and Naming
Title 12.24 Public Parks
Title 12.25 Private Beaches and Parks
Title 12.999 Resolution
Title 12.999 Resolution
Title 13. Public Services
Title 13.04 Sewer System
Title 13.08 Holding Tanks
Title 14. Not used
Title 15. Buildings and Construction
Title 15.04 State Codes Adopted
Title 15.06 Drainage Permits
Title 15.08 Building inspector and Permits
Title 15.10 Prohibited Buildings in Residential Zones
Title 15.12 Fire Division Walls
Title 15.16 Demolition
Title 15.20 Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks
Title 15.24 Moving Buildings
Title 15.28 Miscellaneous Building Provisions
Title 15.999 Resolution Pemit Fees
Title 16. Land Division
Title 16.04 Definitions
Title 16.08 General Requirements
Title 16.12 Land Suitability
Title 16.14 Post Construction Storm Water Management
Title 16.15 Conceptual Plan
Title 16.16 Preliminary Plats
Title 16.20 Final Plats
Title 16.24 Minor Land Divisions
Title 16.28 Design Standards for Streets
Title 16.32 Design Standards for Blocks and Lots
Title 16.36 Required Improvements
Title 16.40 Open Space and Public Facilities
Title 16.44 Variances
Title 16.48 Fees and Costs
Title 16.52 Administration and Enforcement
Title 16.56 Other Developments

Title 16.60 Financial Security

Title 16.48-2 Resolution Fee Schedule