ABSENTEE BALLOTS for the SPRING ELECTION: Are you finished filling out your absentee ballot? It may be too late to mail it back.
Instead, consider dropping to off BEFORE Election Day at Town Hall – 32288 Bushnell Road
or ON election day before the polls close at:
Wards 1 – 7 Town Hall – 32288 Bushnell Road or
Wards 8 -11 Pathway Church – 6919 McHenry Street
ABSENTEE BALLOTS for the SPRING ELECTION: Are you finished filling out your absentee ballot? It may be too late to mail it back.
Instead, consider dropping to off BEFORE Election Day at Town Hall – 32288 Bushnell Road
or ON election day before the polls close at:
Wards 1 – 7 Town Hall – 32288 Bushnell Road or
Wards 8 -11 Pathway Church – 6919 McHenry Street