Planning & Zoning Meeting 12/12/24 CANCELLED: The Planning & Zoning Committee meeting scheduled for tonight, December 12, 2024 has been cancelled. The Town Board meeting that was scheduled to start directly after the P&Z meeting will begin at 6:30PM.   

Notice of Property Assessment


January 1, 2022

Field Examination: The municipality is conducting an examination of a portion of the community for the 2022 assessment roll. As such, we will be conducting inspections on properties in a select group.

Notice of Assessor’s Authority to Enter Land:

The trespass law in Wisconsin entitles the assessor to enter a property once during an assessment cycle unless the property owner has notified the assessor in advance to deny entry. Additional visits may be authorized by the property owner. Assessors are restricted to the following conditions when entering property:

1) The reason for the entry must be to make an assessment on behalf of the state or a subdivision.

2) The entry must be on a weekday during daylight hours, or at another time as agreed upon with the property owner.

3) The assessor’s visit must not be more than one hour.

4) The assessor must not open doors, enter through open doors, or look into windows of structures.

5) If the property owner or occupant is not present, the assessor must leave a notice on the principal building providing the owner with information on how to contact them.

6) The assessor may not enter the premises if they have received a notice from the property owner or occupant denying them entry.

7) The assessor must leave if the property owner or occupant asks them to leave.

In 2009, Wisconsin Act 68 was enacted to amend Section 70.05(5)(b) Wis. Stats. and to create Section 70.05 (4m), 895, 488, 943.13 (4m)(d) and 943.15(1m) of the statutes; relating to: partially exempting an assessor and an assessor’s staff from liability for trespassing, creating immunity from civil liability, and changing the notice requirements relating to the revaluation of property by an assessor.

Copies of the applicable statutes can be obtained at public depositories throughout the State of Wisconsin, and from the State of Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau website (