ABSENTEE BALLOTS for the SPRING ELECTION: Absentee ballots for the Spring Election to be held on April 1, 2025 have been mailed to everyone who has requested a ballot.  There is still time for anyone who would like to vote by mail to request a ballot. Stop in Town Hall and complete the form or go to the www.MyVote.wi.gov site.    
ABSENTEE BALLOTS for the SPRING ELECTION: Absentee ballots for the Spring Election to be held on April 1, 2025 have been mailed to everyone who has requested a ballot.  There is still time for anyone who would like to vote by mail to request a ballot. Stop in Town Hall and complete the form or go to the www.MyVote.wi.gov site.    

NOTICE – Independence Day Flag Raising

NOTICE – Independence Day Flag Raising

32288 Bushnell Road Burlington

At 9:00 A.M. on July 5th, 2021

Courtesy of the Town of Burlington Board,

and Catholic Financial Life Burlington Chapter 175

Order of Program

1. Presentation of Colors Scout Troop 334 and VFW

2. Raising of Flag Featured Veteran

3. Star Spangled Banner Featured Vocalist AJ Murphy

4. Invocation VFW Chaplain

5. Patriotic Song Featured vocalist

6. Salute VFW Honor Guard

7. End of Program


Thanks and Acknowledgements

▪ VFW Post 2823 Burlington, Wisconsin

▪ American Legion Post 79 Burlington, Wisconsin

▪ Marine Corps Fox River Detachment 590

▪ DAV Twin Counties

▪ Troop 334 Scouts Burlington, Wisconsin

▪ Town of Burlington Board


Sponsored by the Burlington Chapter of Catholic Financial Life

