ABSENTEE BALLOTS for the SPRING ELECTION: Absentee ballots for the Spring Election to be held on April 1, 2025 have been mailed to everyone who has requested a ballot.  There is still time for anyone who would like to vote by mail to request a ballot. Stop in Town Hall and complete the form or go to the www.MyVote.wi.gov site.    
ABSENTEE BALLOTS for the SPRING ELECTION: Absentee ballots for the Spring Election to be held on April 1, 2025 have been mailed to everyone who has requested a ballot.  There is still time for anyone who would like to vote by mail to request a ballot. Stop in Town Hall and complete the form or go to the www.MyVote.wi.gov site.    

Town of Burlington 4th of July Flag Raising Ceremony

Special thanks for Troop 334 from Burlington for holding their annual flag raising ceremony.  The event had to prerecorded rather than held in person due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Thanks again to all who participated and helped out.  We hope to see everyone in person next year.